When traveling anywhere in the world it is important to know about common illnesses and medical facilities in the country. To assist our users in this regard we have provided the following health advice for Bangladesh. From necessary immunizations to food precautions, considering these few tips means that your vacation need not be marred by illness or injury. Note that this is a brief overview of health advice for Bangladesh and it is suggested that you visit your health care professional for more information before traveling to another country.
It is recommended that visitors to Bangladesh receive a Hepatitis A vaccination at least two weeks before leaving. A booster is given at six to twelve months. You should also consider a Typhoid vaccine when traveling to Bangladesh. This can be taken in capsule or injectable form. Polio is a problem in Bangladesh and it is important that all visitors are up-to-date with their polio vaccinations and boosters. If you are staying longer than a month in a rural area or are spending a lot of time participating in outdoor activities in rural locations, it is advisable to have a Japanese encephalitis vaccination. Travelers who may have intimate contact with residents should receive immunization against Hepatitis B. If it is possible that you may come into contact with animals, you should consider having a rabies vaccine. If you have not recently been given a Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine, it is advisable to do so. Ensure your MMR vaccine is up-to-date. Though cholera does occur in Bangladesh, visitors are generally not a risk and do not require a vaccine. If you are traveling from a yellow-fever infected country it is vital that you are vaccinated as this is required by law.
Malaria is a problem in Bangladesh - particularly in the southeast and northeast areas. A prophylaxis is highly recommended, except when traveling to Dhaka city. Preferred medications are doxycycline, mefloquine and atovaquone/proguanil. Your health care professional should be able to advise you in this regard.
Food and Water
Tap water should always be filtered, chemically disinfected or boiled. Beverages should not be drunk with ice. Vegetables and fruit must be cooked or peeled. Well water in the southern and central areas of Bangladesh may harbor arsenic. Avoid all foodstuffs served by street vendors. Beware of unpasteurized milk and products. Avoid certain fish species as these may contain dangerous biotoxins. Fish species to avoid include barracuda, sea bass, red snapper, grouper and amberjack. It is advisable to keep some anti-diarrhea medication with you. If symptoms are severe or persist for longer than 72 hours you must get medical attention. Swimming in certain waters is advised against as they could be contaminated with human waste.
Medical Facilities
Bangladesh's medical care facilities are limited throughout the country. Payment is often required in cash even when you have health insurance. In the case of serious problems, patients will have to be air-lifted to a country with better facilities.